Monday, August 30, 2010

Mondays are Always the Same in Adoption

The weekend is a break from the OCD thinking of adoption. Friday means at least for a short while you can turn off your brain and stop way over analyzing everything. And maybe even the Yahoo group and adoption forum webpages get closed for the days too. Monday though, Monday the madness starts right back up again. Will I get this apporval, will this get rejected, will the world end and all this is for not. The good news is that Monday is full of hope that the God of adoption will somehow move foreign governents to find extra special favor on you and approve it all with one signature.

We found out on friday that the Homeland Security had approved our application to adopt Mingjiao Li aka Collins. Big hurdle, but also means we just move on to the next step of waiting for paperwork. Now we wait for Collins visa app to be approved. Apparently our visa center is not fun to wait on. That's ok. Gives me something else to obsess over and another government worker to call me all kinds of names.

We sent Collins a care package today. A doll, a new dress, some cute little pink squeaky shoes. REALLY hoping that we will get some update pictures and info back. Haven't seen a new picture of her since April. Weird.

Connor, Jennings and Jeb are settling into school finally. Jennings is little Miss Kindergarten which for some reason surprises me. All about following the rules, getting her work done and keeping tabs on who has to sign the Oops Pad. Connor hates the work, hates how long the day is but likes his friends and his teacher. I just keep telling him to get used to it....welcome to life. Just got to do things you don't want to do sometimes.