Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Update on Typhoon Megi

When we were in China the worst super typhoon in 20 years was headed straight for us in Hong Kong. They named it Megi which is Korean for catfish???? Anyway, Jerod and I started calling Collins Megi because where ever she went, there was always a wake of destruction left behind. It may be cracker crumbs or broken ego's that just got schooled by a 2 year old, but either way you knew she had been there.
It's hard to believe we've only been home 12 days. Seems like forever. But everyday we're making a little progress and things are looking up. We're past the "Have we made the biggest mistake ever?" to "How do we now live with this forever?" As hard as it's been, it seems like with the addition of Collins our family has been "rounded" out. I don't know how else to put it but it just seems complete. Maybe I like even numbers or maybe what Jerod said is true: "Collins. You're just what this family needed. A feisty, little Chinese girl." Who knows.
So far this week we've made some pretty big strides. We're no longer afraid of Tico the cat or Cooper the dog. In fact, we quite like them. Collins will go up to Tico and do this patronizing little tippie toe dance around him like "I could take you if I wanted, but I'll let you live and taunt you instead." She laughs the whole time. She and Jennings are now BFF. They run around this house and giggle together like Jennings always wanted. Found out that Collins likes Chick-fil-A and PBandJ, thank you Jesus! The car seat no longer freaks us out and we haven't thrown up in the car in about 10 days. Always good. I've found that we both do better when we get out a little each day. It's like we both get nervous when it's just us. She loves other kids so the past few days we've gone to the park. Sometimes we just sit and watch and sometimes we run to the top of the climbing wall and claim that we are the coolest. Either way, I think she misses her friends and it makes her happy to be with children. All things things don't mean that she still doesn't drive me nuts. She can pitch the best two year old tantrum ever. It's not an orphan cry, it's a "I'm really ticked off that you aren't doing what I want you to." cry. I've heard both and I know the difference. I'm like "Can't you see that I'm making you noodles, changing Jeb's clothes and baking a cake all at the same time?" No sympathy. I have to keep reminding myself that people only get angry when someone blocks them from a goal. Maybe my goal of quiet for 3 minutes in this house is asking too much.
Anyway, that's where we are. I need to download some new pics. Will do that soon. Oh, she wore a bow today. So nice that no little boy at the park came up and asked me if she was a boy.


  1. You are doing great and Collins too! It was SO great to talk to you today!!! Wish I could meet you at the park! :)

  2. So happy to hear that Collins is making progress. Things will keep getting better.

  3. You're doing great! I knew you would. You can tell that the wole family is just delighting in her and it sounds like she's settling in just fine. Remember also that a tantrum is sometimes a "backwards compliment" - meaning that they don't feel comfortable enough anywhere else but with you to let all their stress and feeling out. That's a GOOD thing. Love you, girl!

  4. allison--i've been keeping up with your blog and just have to tell you i have loved it! LOVE your realness and yet tenderness for those sweet kids! keep writing!!
    summer sisk o'neal
