Monday, October 18, 2010

10 Things I Know About Collins Today That I Didn't Know Yesterday

1.) The girl loves shoes! We have to have our shoes on all the time. And not just any shoes, our bright yellow Crocs. Nothing else.
2.) When she goes to sleep, she sucks her thumb, clasps her hands and wiggles her fingers.
3.) She is bossy! This morning I had her picked out this cute, pink dress to wear, but she would have no part of it. She showed me the shirt and pants she wanted to wear. At dinner she tells me which French fry to give her and which is just not good enough. When we walk, she just starts pointing at things she wants to look at. I guess she's never had anyone to boss around....

4.) She's an extrovert. All of her paperwork said that she was an introvert, but if she's an introvert then I'm the Pope. She has not stopped talking today. Of course I can't understand her, but she's always telling me something. One of the other guides that was with us today said to me "She looks like you. She acts like you, too." I asked what he meant? He said "She's full of energy and is always having fun." Scary......

5.) She loves to eat. And she can eat noodles amazingly fast. We got some video of it, but it won't download. You all have to see this if I can get it too work.

6.) She's just like Jeb...she loves her things. Anything she can put in a cup or shake in a box or stir with a spoon she loves. Here is her "domain" with all of her treasures. And she's eating while she's playing.

7.) She loves me already. Tonight at dinner, everytime I would have to scoot away for some reason she would scoot closer to get by me again. This morning she wouldn't share her fruit snacks with me but by tonight I was in the "She's alright enough to share my snack" club.

8.) She loves to shop. Thank you Jesus! We will have a lifetime of fun together. Today we went to Wal- Mart to buy snacks and things. I was nervous because she has never been outside of the orphanage before and I'm overwhelmed by Wal-Mart. She wasn't sure about the buggy at first, but had fun in the end. As we went through, she would point to things, I would give them to her and she would toss them in the back of the buggy. Love it!

9.) She has the biggest, cutest dimple on her right cheek.

10.) She's really funny and super sweet. Jerod and I have laughed at her all day and she has giggled with us. I mean like belly laughed. It's such a change from all the pictures we saw of her and I love it.


  1. LOVE HER!!!!!!! So glad to hear you all are having fun...I had thought to myself that I thought she looked like yall already....weird!!! Can't wait to hear more as you get to know her exciting!! Praying that it just continues to be smooth sailing:) hugs, Jennifer

  2. What a GREAT post and what wonderful things to already know!!! LOVE that she is bossing you around. :) SJ was indeed an introvert but she and C seem different~ that's probably why they were such sweet friends. One to boss and one to follow. SJ matches me perfect because I don't like to be in the spotlight and probably more of an introvert than ex. Isn't God good??? He matched us all perfectly!!! Can't wait for us to all go shopping~~~ I can see us at the American Girl Store together with our girls!!! :) Anyway, can't wait to hear more tomorrow!!!
    Blessings and love!

  3. Loving the Collins updates. What a significant time for her and for you guys. The Chambers family really enjoy reading what is happening with you. Can't wait to hear the funny side of the Sinclairs in China and to meet your new daughter.

  4. Allison, LOVE how you tell a story! This is a good one! Collins will enjoy reading this one day.

  5. sooo fun! loved reading the post...made me smile BIG :)

  6. I am loving getting to experience this with you...makes me long for the day we get to go. I am so happy for your family and can't wait to "get to know Collins too",

  7. Okay, I am such a sappy girl. This made me tear up simply because it is so incredibly filled with God's blessings big and small. I was going to put a bow order in for Collins but I might just wait and see if she likes bows or not!

  8. she IS a sinclair! i knew it. Isn't God funny?

  9. Love the post and God's amazing grace. These are all great ... but #7 literally moved me to tears.
