Saturday, October 16, 2010

Nothing Like Fuzhou to Sober You Up

Imagine if you lived in Germany....I don't random choice there.....and someone said "Hey, come visit America! I'll meet you in Malibu." You stay there a few days and then they say "Next we're going to Little Rock , Arkansas." A big contrast in your experience in America. That's what happened to us yesterday. Hong Kong is ritzy and fast paced and cosmpolitan. Fuzhou is run down and blue collar. But Fuzhou is real China. It's what I expected but wasn't ready for.

Jerod and I went for a walk around West Lake which is right outside of our hotel. It's the center of Fuzhou. There were tons of people out today. Families were playing in the park, people were doing Tai Chi on the sidewalk. Everyone seemed happy. The kids were so cute and amazingly we saw lots of families with girls. There were beautiful gardens and little amuzement parks too. We forgot our camera but we'll get some pictures of it. I think Collins will have a ball doing some of the things here. We did get one pic at the hotel....made me feel right at home. Come all the way to China and theres Jack Daniels in your room mini bar. Rocky Top Tennessee in Fuzhou.

***Someone please tell me how to get the pictures at the END of my posts. What is wrong with me that I can't figure this out?!***


  1. It is REAL China and we LOVED it~ know you do to since it is where Collins is from. Hope you enjoy your day together!!! And about the pics... you have to load them backwards... the last you want posted to the first and THEN go back and fill in your words. Not fun!!! hope that helps!

  2. You can also use the html screen and cut the pic html then paste it after your text.

    Thanks for all the stories and pics!
