Saturday, October 16, 2010

Big Budda was Big

We went yesterday to the see the worlds largest Budda. We took a cable car up to the top of the mountain...22 minutes in a Chinese glass bottom cable car. Like it would have made a difference but I held onto the railing the whole time. It was interesting to get to the top and walk out and see a Subway and a Starbucks. Subway, Starbucks, McDonalds and Hagen Dazs are everywhere in Hong Kong.

We walked up this huge set of stairs and all I could think of was Kung Fu Panda and Po. Ironically, the monestary up at the top was called Po Lin. Anyway, here are some pictures from Big Budda day.
****I still can't figure out how to get the pictures and text to stay in order. Sorry. You get the point****


  1. I don't know if I could rode up with a glass bottom floor~ that makes me shiver just thinking about it! Scary! I get scared riding in those elevators that are glass outside of hotels. Yikes. Looks like you had a fun time and SO happy to pics of you two!!! And you have to load pics from last one you want loaded to the first and THEN go back and add your words. CRAZY!!!

  2. hi, blog hopping from singapore. js my 2 cents worth. you can always drag the photo by clicking on the photo u wanna drag ( u shd see the perimeters of the photo in dotted lines). then hold onto it & drag it up or down to whichever place u want & release.

    once u have your photos in place, move your cursor below the photo & click. You can then start typing.

    hope this helps.

    Yvonne (Singapore)
