Wednesday, October 13, 2010

And so it Begins....

What a weird past few days. I've gone from being an emotional wreck on Sunday, to excited Monday, to exhausted Tuesday, and now, well, I think I am just on auto-pilot Wednesday. No pun intended. I guess this is normal. I do know that I'm more "thrown" than I was when we went to Guatemala for Jeb. Honestly, I think the 13 hour time zone difference is what's freaking me out. Oh, and the fact that we fly over the North Pole. I mean that's just strange.

I think it's different becuase little Collins is 2 years older than Jeb was when when brought him home. For 2 1/2 years, she's been surrounded by the same walls, same friends, same smells, same voices. Now in one day, she's going to lose it all. She doesn't know that what she has is awful, it's all she knows. All that's familiar. And now, these weird looking white people are going to come and hug her and kiss her and take her away and start calling her this new name: Collins. I have no idea how much of what is happening she understands. She will love the attention and cute clothes and yummy American candy, of course, but in her little mind, when will that be taken away too?

So from now until Saturday night (Sunday morning in China) pray for Collins. Pray that supernaturally God will prepare her heart for us. That somehow when she sees our faces all the pictures in her picture albums and video chats will make sense that there will be something familiar about us. Pray that she finds comfort in us as she grieves yet another loss.

Ok, enough mushy, emotional stuff, we're going to eat lunch here in Atlanta and then get on the plane for our 14 hour flight to Tokyo. Isn't Tokyo just a place you read about? Strange. Talk to you all next time from China!



  1. Praying for you the whole time and way!!! Enjoy your lunch... :) Talk to you in China!!! :)

  2. I just posted about our precious daughters!!! :)

  3. Glad to find you! I'm a friend of Sharon and Shaylee (Jing Jing)! Wishing you the best!!!

  4. Much love and prayer coming your you and jerod and sweet collins. love you all!

  5. Steven has been keeping me posted on everything and I just wanted to let you know I am praying for y'all and Collins. I hope traveling goes well and I can't wait to meet her and see y'all again!

    Love, Lauren

  6. Hey guys! We spent the day today reading through your trip stories. I cried almost the whole time. I am so ready for it and yet so nervous as well. We are praying for you guys and your family. Especially your transition back to home life. (Oh and I also featured one of your posts on my blog. I hope that's ok with you.) And in case you don't remember me. I am Shaun's wife. Friend of Jerrod's. ;)

  7. Hey Allison I am a friend of Shaun and Anna Lokey who are also sporting a baby girl from China and have been praying for them and for Lily for some time now. The things God has led me to pray about are sone of the same things you mention here. I will be praying for your family and Collins as well. I know God can make all things work for good and the transition smooth for all. Can't wait to hear from you again about China.
