Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sick and Happy

I have the worst cold that I've had in long time. My ears hurt, my throat hurts, my eyes won't stop watering. I finally got an antibiotic last night so should start feeling better soon but until then I srink green tea and Emergen C. I wondered last night why God would let me feel like this. It's like having the stomach bug on your wedding day. But, I think it's a means of Grace. If you've spent any time with me, ever, you know that I can get a little wound up. I get excited and giggly and silly and if you don't really know me I think you are a bit scared wondering what in the world is wrong with this girl. So maybe in God's perfect way He is calming me down for today. I probably would have been way too much for Collins. I have been so laidback and calm and relaxed about today. I mean, we meet Collins in 3 hours and I haven't showered or gotten toys out or anything. That's weird for me. I don't know if I'm in denial or repressing all my feelings but I'm not nervous or worried or scared for today. I know it's going to be really tough for her but, okay, we'll work it out. God does give you peace. You pray for it, but so weird when it comes.

Alright. Well. Here we go. Next post we'll have pics of Collins Sinclair!


  1. YEAH!!!! Sorry you feel so bad, sinuses are the worst. Praying for you a quick recovery and a wonderful, blessed encounter with Collins.

  2. What a great thing God has shown you!!! You are probably right about Collins~ she will be very subdued and scared and so sad. Being quiet and calm as well will be just what she needs. I am sorry you have to be sick though. ;( I am waiting for the Collins Day pics~ blows my mind that you have her right now~ Jing's little sister... as I hear Jing laughing in the kitchen with Baba right now. And you know what song they are all worshiping to as I write this??? It Is Well and it is my friend!!! He chose YOU~ now do it to His glory!!! SO happy for you all!!!

  3. Oh sorry about the cold, but you are right, the Lord knows:) Makes me nervous for know my weirdness is bound to pop out and, my oh my, what will he do to calm me of you a bazillion times a day, praying for God to prepare little Collins for you guys and for God to prepare you two as well...praying for peace, easy transition and for a forever bond to begin very quickly....Love you guys...can't wait to hear (and see) more!!!!:) Hugs, Jennifer
