Saturday, October 23, 2010

Baby Steps with Mini Me

It's amazing what tiny, seemingly insignificant actions are actually really important moments with an adopted child. In a new and different world, comforts from the past are hard to let go of. Even well adjusted adults crave familiarity, so much more so for a child who has spent 2 1/2 years in an orpahange and lost all "control" of her life in one day. That's why this morning was such a big deal for us.

This was the first morning that Collins has woken up and not checked first thing for a sticker on her head or run straight to the stash of them. It's also the first morning that we haven't had to put on our obnoxiously bright yellow Crocs before we left the bedroom. And I got my first kiss from her, too. I was kneeling down to get her out of the stroller and I tipped backwards taking her down with me. She started laughing and just leaned down and planted two big, drooly kisses on each of my cheeks. When we go to sleep at night, she'll hold my hand and rub my arm. At first she wouldn't even really let me touch her, but if my arm comes off now, she picks it up and puts it back over her.
She's also come a long way with Jerod. This morning she went over to say hello to him after he woke up. Normally she just stares at him like he's an alien and walks away. Jerod will do his typical silly things or even "scary" things and she just laughs at him. And when Jerod came in and squirted water on her, she grabbed a cup and threw water back on him. He's already hooked.

Everyone that see's us and knows that we've only been with her for 6 days is so surprised at how comfortable she is. It's really like we've always had her. Well, except for that we can't even talk to each other. We'll have our bad days for sure, but right now we are all just having a lot of fun together.

Starbucks Chocolate Biscotti and A Good Three Layers of Stickers
Making Faces

At "The Paddy Field" the Irish pub behind the hotel. (She didn't drink the Guiness. Promise. And, Michele, it felt just like Dublin.)

Collins' first boyfriend. She meet him at The Paddy Field. Gabriel is half Irish and half Singaporian. And he's a cutie!

Coloring with Fun Daddy

Really Bad Bed Head


  1. Her dimple is to DIE for:) You guys look like you were made for each other!!!

  2. I agree with Jennifer! I LOVE her dimple!!! Her face changes with comfort each day!!! A precious doll!!! So thankful everything is going GREAT! Didn't see that pub.:)

  3. i am in love!!!! yes, with the chinese irish pub but mostly with sweet collins. i knew she'd be a sucker for you guys.

  4. I agree with Sharon. Collins is starting to look like a different child, happy and relaxed. What a sweet girl.

  5. Collins is precious. It sounds like things are going well and I pray they continue to. God truly is amazing and He knows exactly what you all need.

  6. Allison, I have been reading and keeping up with your entire trip. I don't know why I'm just now leaving you a comment, but I couldn't go another minute without telling you how precious your sweet Collins is!!! I cry every time I read a post and feel as if I am living this adventure with you. What a precious blessing from the Lord! Next time I'm in Birmingham with Cord and Heather, hopefully I will meet your sweet baby girl at church. I will continue to lift y'all up and pray for safe travels and precious bonding time. Much, much love! God Bless Y'all!!!

  7. I'm one of the folks that Staci W. sent a msg. about...there were 3 of us that she "hooked up" together because we were all 3 adopting from China and mutual friends of hers....anyway, I'm so excited to see your posts. I can't wait until our time comes. I'm reading your posts and trying like crazy to remember every detail so we'll be well prepared when we travel. Collins is such a blessing. So glad she's with her forever family now...where she belongs :)

  8. There is such a contrast in her expressions from the pictures you received before you got her and now! We can't believe how comfortable she is with you. Love the stickers - I think she'll start a trend with all 2 year olds.

  9. Gabriel will always be reminded of his girlfriend, Collins, from Putian/Birmingham! ;) Sorry we didn't get to say goodbye properly - and not knowing your names! How can we hope to set them up when we don't know each others' names!?! Anyhow, hope ye all settle in nicely back home with the latest addition to the Sinclair brood! XXX to Collins from us here in madhouse Guangzhou! Gabriel's mam - Michelle Seetoh-Browne
